Saturday, June 30, 2018

Why is it said that “the Trinity” is the most absurd statement?

 Why is it said that “the Trinity” is the most absurd statement?

 Relevant Words of God: 

It was only after the truth of Jesus become flesh came to be that man realized this: It is not only the Father in heaven, but also the Son, and even the Spirit. This is the conventional notion man holds, that there is a God such as this in heaven: a Trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all in one. All mankind has these notions: God is one God, but comprises three parts, what all those grievously entrenched in conventional notions deem to be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only those three parts made one is all of God. Without the Holy Father, God would not be whole. Similarly, neither would God be whole without the Son or the Holy Spirit. In their notions, they believe that neither the Father alone nor the Son alone can be deemed God. Only the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit together can be deemed God Himself. … Throughout many centuries, man has believed in this Trinity, conjured up by notions in the mind of man, fabricated by man, and never before seen by man. Throughout these many years, there have been many spiritual greats who have explained the “true meaning” of the Trinity, but such explanations of the Trinity as three distinct consubstantial persons have been vague and unclear, and all are befuddled by the “construct” of God. No great man has ever been able to offer a thorough explanation; most explanations pass muster in terms of reasoning and on paper, but not a single man has a fully clear understanding of its meaning. This is because this great Trinity man holds in the heart simply does not exist.

from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

If any among you says that the Trinity indeed exists, then explain what exactly is this one God in three persons. What is the Holy Father? What is the Son? What is the Holy Spirit? Is Jehovah the Holy Father? Is Jesus the Son? Then what of the Holy Spirit? Is not the Father a Spirit? Is not the substance of the Son also a Spirit? Was not the work of Jesus the work of the Holy Spirit? Was not the work of Jehovah at the time carried out by a Spirit the same as Jesus’? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; if so, there are three Spirits, but to have three Spirits means there are three Gods. This means that there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the inherent substance of God? If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Are these not all simply your notions? There is only one God, only one person in this God, and only one Spirit of God, much as it is written down in the Bible that “There is only one Holy Spirit and only one God.” Regardless of whether the Father and the Son of which you speak exist, there is only one God after all, and the substance of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit you believe in is the substance of the Holy Spirit. In other words, God is a Spirit, but He is able to become flesh and live among men, as well as to be above all things. His Spirit is all-inclusive and omnipresent. He can simultaneously be in the flesh and throughout the universe. Since all people say that God is the only one true God, then there is a single God, divisible at will by none! God is only one Spirit, and only one person; and that is the Spirit of God. If it is as you say, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, then are They not three Gods? The Holy Spirit is one matter, the Son another, and the Father yet another. They are distinct persons of different substances, so how then can They each be part of a single God? The Holy Spirit is a Spirit; this is easy for man to understand. If so, then the Father is even more so a Spirit. He has never descended onto earth and has never become flesh; He is Jehovah God in the heart of man, and He is certainly a Spirit as well. Then what is the relationship between Him and the Holy Spirit? Is it the relationship between Father and Son? Or is it the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of the Father? Is the substance of each Spirit the same? Or is the Holy Spirit an instrument of the Father? How can this be explained? And then what is the relationship between the Son and the Holy Spirit? Is it a relationship between two Spirits or the relationship between a man and a Spirit? These are all matters that can have no explanation! If They are all one Spirit, then there can be no talk of three persons, for They are possessed of a single Spirit. If They were distinct persons, then Their Spirits would vary in strength, and simply They could not be one single Spirit. This concept of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is most absurd! This segments God and splits Him into three persons, each with a status and Spirit; how then can He still be one Spirit and one God?

from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Still some may say: “The Father is the Father; the Son is the Son; the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit, and in the end, They will be made one.” Then how should you make Them one? How can the Father and the Holy Spirit be made one? If They were inherently two, then no matter how They are joined together, would They not remain two parts? When you say making Them one, isn’t that simply joining two separate parts to make one whole? But were They not two parts before being made whole? Each Spirit has a distinct substance, and two Spirits cannot be made into a single one. The Spirit is not a material object and is unlike anything else in the material world. As men see it, the Father is one Spirit, the Son another, and the Holy Spirit yet another, then the three Spirits mix like three glasses of water into one whole. Is not that then the three made one? This is an erroneous explanation! Is this not splitting up God? How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all be made one? Are They not three parts each of different natures?

from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

When Jesus called God in heaven by the name of Father as He prayed, this was done only from the perspective of a created man, only because the Spirit of God had clothed Himself as an ordinary and normal man and had the exterior cover of a created being. Even if within Him was the Spirit of God, His exterior appearance was still that of an ordinary man; in other words, He had become the “Son of man” of which all men, including Jesus Himself, spoke. Given that He is called the Son of man, He is a person (whether man or woman, in any case one with the exterior shell of a human being) born into a normal family of ordinary people. Therefore, Jesus calling God in heaven by the name of Father was the same as how you at first called Him Father; He did so from the perspective of a man of creation. Do you still remember the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught you to memorize? “Our Father in heaven….” He asked all man to call God in heaven by the name of Father. And since He too called Him Father, He did so from the perspective of one who stands on an equal footing with you all. Since you called God in heaven by the name of Father, this shows that Jesus saw Himself to be on equal footing with you, and as a man on earth chosen by God (that is, the Son of God). If you call God “Father,” is this not because you are a created being? However great the authority of Jesus on earth, prior to the crucifixion, He was merely a Son of man, governed by the Holy Spirit (that is, God), and one of the earth’s created beings, for He had yet to complete His work. Therefore, His calling God in heaven Father was solely His humility and obedience. His addressing God (that is, the Spirit in heaven) in such a manner, however, does not prove that He is the Son of the Spirit of God in heaven. Rather, it is simply that His perspective is different, not that He is a different person. The existence of distinct persons is a fallacy! Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus was a Son of man bound by the limitations of the flesh, and He did not fully possess the authority of the Spirit. That is why He could only seek the will of God the Father from the perspective of a created being. It is as He thrice prayed in Gethsemane: “Not as I will, but as you will.” Before He was laid on the cross, He was but the King of the Jews; He was Christ, the Son of man, and not a body of glory. That is why, from the standpoint of a created being, He called God Father. Now, you cannot say that all who call God Father are the Son. If this were so, then would you not have all become the Son once Jesus taught you the Lord’s Prayer? If you are still not convinced, then tell Me, who is the one that you call Father? If you are referring to Jesus, then who is the Father of Jesus to you? After Jesus went away, this idea of the Father and the Son was no longer. This idea was only appropriate for the years when Jesus became flesh; under all other circumstances, the relationship is one between the Lord of creation and a created being when you call God Father. There is no time at which this idea of the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can stand; it is a fallacy rarely seen through the ages and does not exist!

from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Let Me tell you that, in truth, the Trinity does not exist anywhere in this universe. God has no Father and no Son, much less is there the concept of an instrument jointly used by the Father and the Son: the Holy Spirit. All of this is the greatest fallacy and simply does not exist in this world! Yet even such a fallacy has its origin and is not entirely without basis, for your minds are not so simple, and your thoughts are not without reason. Rather, they are quite appropriate and ingenious, so much so that they are impregnable even to any Satan. The pity is that these thoughts are all fallacies and simply do not exist! You have not seen the real truth at all; you are merely making conjectures and conceptions, then fabricating it all into a story to deceitfully gain others’ trust and to gain dominance over those most foolish of men without wit or reason, so that they believe in your great and renowned “expert teachings.” Is this truth? Is this the way of life that man should receive? It is all nonsense! Not a single word is appropriate! Throughout these many years, God has been split by you in this way, being split finer and finer with each generation, to the extent that one God has been openly split into three Gods. And now it is simply impossible for man to rejoin God as one, for you have split Him up too finely! If not for My prompt work before it was too late, it is hard to say how long you would have brazenly continued this way! To continue splitting God in this way, how can He still be your God? Would you still recognize God? Would you still return to Him? If I had arrived any later, it is likely that you would have sent the “Father and Son,” Jehovah and Jesus back to Israel and claimed that you yourselves are a part of God. Fortunately, it is now the last days. Finally, this day I have long awaited has come, and only after I carried out this stage of work by My own hand has your splitting of God Himself been halted. If not for this, you would have escalated, even placing all the Satans among you onto altars for worship. This is your artifice! Your means of splitting God! Will you continue to do so now? Let Me ask you: How many Gods are there? Which God will bring you salvation? Is it the first God, the second, or the third that you always pray to? Which of Them do you always believe in? Is it the Father? Or the Son? Or is it the Spirit? Tell Me who it is that you believe in. Though with every word you say you believe in God, what you actually believe is your own brain! You simply do not have God in your heart! And yet in your minds are a number of such “Trinities”! Do you not agree?

from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

There are many contradictions in the explanations of man. Indeed, these are all the notions of man; without further scrutiny, you would all believe they are correct. Do you not know that this idea of God as a Trinity is but the notion of man? No knowledge of man is full and thorough. There are always impurities, and man has too many ideas; this demonstrates that a created being simply cannot explain the work of God. There is too much in the mind of man, all coming from logic and thought, that conflicts with the truth. Can your logic thoroughly dissect the work of God? Can you gain an insight into all the work of Jehovah? Is it you as a man who can see through it all, or is it God Himself who is able to see from everlasting to everlasting? Is it you who can see from everlasting long ago to the everlasting to come, or is it God who can do so? What do you say? How are you worthy to explain God? On what basis is your explanation? Are you God? The heavens and earth, and all things in it were created by God Himself. It was not you who did this, so why are you giving incorrect explanations? Now, do you continue to believe in the Trinity? Do you not think it is too burdensome this way? It would be best for you to believe in one God, not in three. It is best to be light, for “the burden of the Lord is light.”

from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

 Christian Music Videos | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest" 

 The inner meaning of man’s conquest is to return to the Creator. It is for man to turn his back on Satan and turn fully towards God. This is man’s complete salvation. Arduous conquest is the final battle. It is the last stage in God’s victorious plan. Without this, no man is saved, no victory is gained against Satan, no man enters a good destination. Mankind suffers the influence of Satan. Thus Satan’s defeat must come first to bring man’s salvation.  

Friday, June 29, 2018

Walk in the Love of God | Christian Music | "God Puts His Hope Completely on Man"

Walk in the Love of God | Christian Music | "God Puts His Hope Completely on Man"

 From the beginning until today, it’s only mankind who’s had a way to talk with God, converse with God. Among all creatures, all living things, it’s only mankind who words can bring and talk with God, converse with God. Since His management, God has been waiting for just one offering— the heart of man, that He may cleanse and equip it, and make man satisfying and loved by God, man satisfying and loved by God. 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Gospel Movie "Exploration of the 'Trinity'" (2) - Does the Trinity Really Exist?

Gospel Movie "Exploration of the 'Trinity'" (2) - Does the Trinity Really Exist? 


Does God really have three persons? Where does the idea of "the Trinity" come from? Is it really what God told man? Does the Trinity exist? This film clip will give you the answer.

Is the true God that created the heavens and earth and all things one or three?

Is the true God that created the heavens and earth and all things one or three? 

Bible Verses for Reference:

Philip said to him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffices us. Jesus said to him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father? Believe you not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak to you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works” (Jhn 14:8-10).

I and my Father are one” (Jhn 10:30).

Relevant Words of God:

God is the One who rules over all things, and who administers all things. He created all that there is, He administers all that there is, and He also rules over all that there is and provides to all that there is. This is the status of God, and the identity of God. For all things and all that there is, God’s true identity is the Creator, and the Ruler of all things. Such is the identity possessed by God, and He is unique among all things. None of God’s creatures—whether they be among mankind, or in the spiritual world—can use any means or excuse to impersonate or replace God’s identity and status, for there is only one among all things who is possessed of this identity, power, authority, and the ability to rule over all things: our unique God Himself.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Almighty God's Word "Those Who Believe in God Should Submit to Him"

Almighty God's Word "Those Who Believe in God Should Submit to Him" 

Almighty God says, "The key to submission to God is the capacity to receive the newest light, accept it and put into practice; that is true submission. If one does not have such will to thirst for God, one cannot attain submission to God in his heart; instead one will resist God due to his satisfaction with his current status.

A Hymn of God's Words | Christ Is the Incarnate God Himself

     The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning ,Almighty God

A Hymn of God's Words | Christ Is the Incarnate God Himself 

The incarnation of God means God appears and works in the flesh. He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity. The implication of incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh. It means the essence of God Himself has become a man and flesh. Christ is the incarnate God Himself, the flesh donned by the Spirit of God, different from any man of flesh. He embodies the Spirit of God. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

What is the truth? What is Bible knowledge and doctrine?

What is the truth? What is Bible knowledge and doctrine?  

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
What is the truth? What is Bible knowledge and doctrine?

BibleBible Verses for Reference:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us, … full of grace and truth” (Jhn 1:1, 14).

I am the way, the truth, and the life” (Jhn 14:6).

Sanctify them through your truth: your word is truth” (Jhn 17:17).

The Hymn of God's Word | To Bear Witness for God Is Man's Duty

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,duty

The Hymn of God's Word | To Bear Witness for God Is Man's Duty

 God bestows you with life; it's a gift you receive from Him. And so it's your duty to bear witness to Him. God gives you His glory, His life the Israelites didn't have. And so you must devote your life and youth to Him. You've got God's glory, so you must bear God's witness. It's ordained. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom 

 Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality, they are like angels that come to the world. No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity. They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves. Those who love the truth all have honest hearts. Honest people take joy in practicing the truth, and by obeying God their hearts are at peace.

Due to Performing My Duty, I Was Granted God’s Enormous Salvation

Due to Performing My Duty, I Was Granted God’s Enormous Salvation

Hong Wei, Beijing

August 15, 2012 

 The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, pray to God
Due to Performing My Duty, I Was Granted God’s Enormous Salvation

 On July 21, 2012, a very heavy rain began to fall. That day I just happened to have a duty to perform, so after our meeting was finished and I saw that the rain had lightened up a bit, I rushed home on my bike.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Hymn of God's Word | Rise Up, Cooperate With God

The Hymn of God's Word | Rise Up, Cooperate With God

 Oh … oh … 

 Offer up your whole being! What you will eat or wear, what your future will be, all are in the hand of God. God will prepare what is good for you. Rise up, cooperate with God! Sincerely spending for God, God will not mistreat you. Rise up, cooperate with God! Offer yourself to God, and God will bless you with everything. Rise up! (Oh … oh …)

Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

 Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

Zhang Jin, Beijing

August 16, 2012 

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,gospel
Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

I am an elder sister with two faulty legs. Even when the weather is nice out, I have some trouble walking, but when the floodwaters were about to swallow me up, God allowed me to miraculously escape danger.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Hymn of God's Words | Be Quiet Before God

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God's Words

A Hymn of God's Words | Be Quiet Before God


A heart truly quiet before God won't be troubled by the world, nor person, action or thing; be quiet before God. All negativity disappears, be it conceptions or bad thoughts, philosophies, wrong human ties; be quiet before God. Be quiet before God, relish His words, sing hymns and praise His name. Give Him a chance to work on you; God wants to perfect you. Let Him gain your heart and guide you, this will please Him. Be quiet before Him. 

Almighty God Has Given Me a Second Chance at Life

Almighty God Has Given Me a Second Chance at Life

Two ordinary brothers and sisters, Beijing

August 15, 2012
 The Church of Almighty God ,Eastern Lightning,Gospel
Almighty God Has Given Me a Second Chance at Life

     July 21, 2012 was a most unforgettable day for me, as well as the most important day of my life.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Amidst Disaster, I Saw God’s Hand

 Amidst Disaster, I Saw God’s Hand

Ying Xin, Beijing

August 15, 2012 

  The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, salvation
Amidst Disaster, I Saw God’s Hand

 On July 22, 2012, the day after Beijing’s flood of July 21, I hurried over to visit a sister who had just accepted God’s work of the last days two months previously. No sooner had I entered her village when the scene I saw before me stunned me speechless! I saw that the roads had collapsed, revealing their foundations beneath the asphalt. Everywhere were stone fragments that had tumbled down from the mountain, the larger of them weighing a few tons. Mud had piled up to thirty centimeters deep, and the rainwater running off the mountain slopes had already formed into a small river…. The entire village was in a total mess, completely beyond recognition.

Almighty God's Word "End Religious Service"

Almighty God's Word "End Religious Service"

 Almighty God says, "As of today, God will formally perfect those who have no religious notions, who are ready to set aside their old selves, and who simply obey God, and perfect those who long for the word of God. These people should stand up and serve God.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Clip "Knocking at the Door" (4) - The Lord Is Knocking at the Door: Can You Recognize His Voice? (1)


 The Lord Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice" (Jhn 10:27). Clearly, the Lord is speaking to search for His sheep upon His return. The most crucial thing for Christians to do as they await the coming of the Lord is to seek to hear the voice of the Lord. How is one able to recognize the voice of the Lord, though? What is the difference between the voice of God and the voice of humans? 

Why should mankind believe in God?

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Almighty God
Why should mankind believe in God? 

Why should mankind believe in God? 

The Answer from God’s Word
 God created all things, and so He makes all creation come under His dominion, and submit to His dominion; He will command all things, so that all things are in His hands.  All creation of God, including animals, plants, mankind, the mountains and rivers, and the lakes—all must come under His dominion. All things in the skies and on the ground must come under His dominion.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How Do the Wise Virgins Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord?

 How Do the Wise Virgins Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord?

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,gospel
How Do the Wise Virgins Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord?

 Bible Verses for Reference:

“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12-13).

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Clip "Knocking at the Door" (5) - The Lord Is Knocking at the Door: Can You Recognize His Voice? (2)


The Lord Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice" (Jhn 10:27). Clearly, the Lord is speaking to search for His sheep upon His return. The most crucial thing for Christians to do as they await the coming of the Lord is to seek to hear the voice of the Lord. How is one able to recognize the voice of the Lord, though? What is the difference between the voice of God and the voice of humans?

Monday, June 18, 2018

A Hymn of God's Words | Only God Has the Way of Life

A Hymn of God's Words | Only God Has the Way of Life 

The way of life isn't something anyone possesses; it's not something anyone can get easily. For life comes only from God, only God Himself has the substance of life, only God has the way of life. So only God is the source of life, and the ever-flowing wellspring of living water of life. From the creation of the world, God has done a lot of work that involves the vitality of life, that brings life to man; He has paid a great price for man to gain life. For God Himself is eternal life; He is the way by which man gets resurrection.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sermons and Fellowship: What’s Wise About the Wise Virgins Who Welcome the Lord?

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship: What’s Wise About the Wise Virgins Who Welcome the Lord?

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,gospel
Sermons and Fellowship: What’s Wise About the Wise Virgins Who Welcome the Lord?

“During the Age of Grace, Jesus talked about the wise virgins. What is this mystery all about? What does the term wise virgin mean? The main point is that she recognizes God’s voice. When she hears it, she thinks, ‘Why do I think that the things this Son of man is saying are God’s words? Why does it seem like He has God’s voice? These are things that man cannot say.

Christian Skit | "Starving for Fear of Choking" | Why Can't Foolish Virgins Meet the Lord's Return?

Gospel video Christian Skit | "Starving for Fear of Choking" | Why Can't Foolish Virgins Meet the Lord's Return?


 In the matter of welcoming the Lord's coming, there are some in the religious world who close their door and wait alone for fear of being deceived by false Christs. They starve themselves for fear of choking, and cling to the words, ""Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Gospel Hymn | Going Forward With You Through the Wind and Rain

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,gospel

Gospel Hymn | Going Forward With You Through the Wind and Rain 

Woo … Oh God! You have my heart. I await Your direction. Though the road is hard to walk, I am willing to follow You. I remember the oaths I took, pledging my life to You and to Your love. Together in life, in death and hardship, moving forward in Your footsteps. With Your guidance, I am satisfied. Moving forward in Your footsteps. I want to move through the wind (through the wind). I want to move through the rain (through the rain). Forward in Your footsteps. Oh God. Forward in Your footsteps. Oh God.

Eastern Lightning | What Truly Are the Wise Virgins?

Eastern Lightning | What Truly Are the Wise Virgins? 

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Almighty God
 Eastern Lightning | What Truly Are the Wise Virgins?

Bible Verses for Reference:

“shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. … But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. … And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. … and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut” (Mat 25: 1, 4, 6-7, 10).

Friday, June 15, 2018

What is the difference between the words of people used by God throughout the ages which conform to the truth and the words of God?

What is the difference between the words of people used by God throughout the ages which conform to the truth and the words of God? 

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, words of God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

 Relevant Words of God:

The truth comes from the world of man, yet the truth among man is passed on by Christ. It originates from Christ, that is, from God Himself, and is unattainable by man.

Gospel Hymn | Oh Almighty God, You Are So Glorious

Smiley face

Gospel Hymn | Oh Almighty God, You Are So Glorious 

 Almighty God, the last Christ, You're the Savior come again. You speak to the people and judge man with the truth. Amen! Your words bear power, cleansing man's corrupt disposition. Your words reveal omnipotence and God's righteousness. God's word judges the old world, judging peoples and nations. God's words achieve all. God's already defeated Satan. Praise You, Almighty God! You are so glorious indeed. All nations and peoples jump for Your miraculous deeds. We all prostrate in worship, praising God's ruling on earth. Truth is revealed to the world. Voices are raised to praise God. Praise God, praise God! Almighty God, You are so glorious. Nations and peoples jump for joy, for Your marvelous wisdom. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Christian Video | The Lord Jesus Christ Is My Shepherd and My Strength | "Break the Shackles and Run"

Christian gospel Video | The Lord Jesus Christ Is My Shepherd and My Strength | "Break the Shackles and Run"

 Lee Chungmin was an elder of a church in Seoul, South Korea. For more than twenty years, he served the Lord fervently and concentrated on studying the Bible. Taught by the words and deeds of his religious leaders, he thought that believing in the Lord amounts to faith in the Bible and faith in the Bible is exactly the same as believing in the Lord.

What is the difference between the words of God conveyed by prophets in the Age of Law and the words of God expressed by God incarnate?

What is the difference between the words of God conveyed by prophets in the Age of Law and the words of God expressed by God incarnate? 

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Almighty God
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Relevant Words of God:

In the Age of Grace, Jesus also spoke much and did much work. How was He different from Isaiah? How was He different from Daniel? Was He a prophet? Why is it said that He is Christ? What are the differences between them? They were all men who spoke words, and their words appeared more or less the same to man. They all spoke and did work.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Hymn | I Am Walking on the Road to the Kingdom

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Almighty God

Hymn I Am Walking on the Road to the Kingdom

Wow~ wow~ Walking to the kingdom, reading God's words, I look up to Him. Oh, such meaningful words, deeply earnest, etched upon my heart. God, You're worried that I might be deceived, shattered by Satan. Your words directed me, gave me true life, put me on this path.

Wow~ wow~ Through Your work and Your words, I saw this world's evil and darkness. How corrupted I was, battered by such evil temptations. There I wandered the world, no shred of hope, heart filled with darkness. It was You who saved me! Wrapped in Your words, I grew well and strong.

 God's words reveal the truth, my corruption, my repulsiveness. Selfish, greedy and proud, riddled with lies, almost inhuman! At God's feet I fall down, filled with remorse, bow to His judgment. Resolve to seek the truth, be made anew, not cause God concern. 

Walking to the kingdom, happy I am, sharing the gospel. What a hard road to walk, persecution grows more every day! I could not move one step; God's words lead me, give faith and courage. Follow God to the end, approved by God, I would die happy. Oh~ oh~ oh~ oh~ Approved by God, I would die happy.

 from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

How exactly should one discern the voice of God? How can one confirm that Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned

How exactly should one discern the voice of God? How can one confirm that Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned?

 The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Almighty God
How exactly should one discern the voice of God? How can one confirm that Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned

 Bible Verses for Reference:

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (Jhn 10:27).

“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12-13).

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Eastern Lightning | What are God’s promises to those who have been saved and perfected?

Eastern Lightning | What are God’s promises to those who have been saved and perfected? 

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,gospel
Eastern Lightning | What are God’s promises to those who have been saved and perfected?

Relevant Words of God:

I am now walking abroad in the midst of My people, I live in the midst of My people. Today, those who bear genuine love toward Me, people like these are blessed; blessed are those who submit to Me, they will surely stay in My kingdom; blessed are those who know Me, they will surely wield power in My kingdom; blessed are those who seek after Me, they will surely escape from Satan’s bonds and enjoy blessing in Me; blessed are those who are able to forsake themselves, they will surely enter into My possession, and inherit My kingdom’s bounty.

Christian Musical Drama "An Uncertain Return" | Who Breaks Up the Christian Family (English Dubbed)

 gospel Christian Musical Drama "An Uncertain Return" | Who Breaks Up the Christian Family (English Dubbed) 

 Christian Zhang Chengzhi is forced to flee his home because of the Chinese government's mad persecution of religious beliefs. A happy family is torn apart. But the police refuse to give up—they monitor, question, and intimidate his family members, and look for opportunities to arrest him. Zhang Chengzhi and his family miss each other, but cannot be reunited. Zhang narrowly escapes arrest time after time and in the end has no choice but to escape the country. He and his family are in different corners of the world and don't know when they will meet again … 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Eastern lightning | What are God’s people? What are the service-doers?

Eastern lightning | What are God’s people? What are the service-doers? 

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,God's peopel
Eastern lightning | What are God’s people? What are the service-doers? 

Relevant Words of God:

The five wise virgins represent My sons and My people among the humans that I created. Addressing them[a] “virgins” is because although they are born on earth, they are still gained by Me; one can say they have become holy, so they are called “virgins.” The aforementioned “five” represents the number of My sons and My people that I have predestined.

Movie Clip "Knocking at the Door" (2) - What Mistakes Are Most Easily Made in Welcoming the Lord?

 Gospel Movie Clip "Knocking at the Door" (2) - What Mistakes Are Most Easily Made in Welcoming the Lord? 

Many people of faith in religious circles believe what the pastors and elders say, "All of God's words and work are in the Bible. It would be impossible for any of God's words to appear outside of the Bible." Is there a biblical foundation for this claim, though? Did Lord Jesus say these words?

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Eastern Lightning | On what does God base His conclusion of a person’s end?

Eastern LightningOn what does God base His conclusion of a person’s end? 

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,gospel
Eastern Lightning | On what does God base His conclusion of a person’s end? 

Relevant Words of God: 

Now is the time I determine the ending for each person, not the stage at which I began to work man. I write down in My record book, one by one, the words and actions of each person, as well as their path in following Me, their inherent characteristics, and their final performance. In this way, no manner of man shall escape My hand and all shall be with their own kind as I assign. I decide the destination of each person not on the basis of age, seniority, amount of suffering, and least of all, the degree to which they invite pity, but according to whether they possess the truth. There is no other choice but this. You must realize that all those who do not follow the will of God will be punished. This is an immutable fact.

from “You Ought to Prepare a Sufficiency of Good Deeds for Your Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

There’s a saying you should take notes of. I believe this saying is very important, because for Me it comes to mind countless times every single day. Why is that? Because every time I’m faced with someone, every time I hear someone’s story, every time I hear of someone’s experience or their testimony of believing in God, I always use this saying to weigh whether or not this individual is the type of person God wants, the type of person God likes. So what’s this saying, then? … It’s “walk in God’s way: fear God and shun evil.” … why do I discuss this saying? Regardless of your perspective, or what you will think, I have to discuss this saying because it is extremely relevant to how God establishes the outcomes of man. No matter what your current understanding of this saying is, or how you treat it, I’m still going to tell you: If someone can properly practice this saying and achieve the standard of fearing God and shunning evil, then they’re assured as a survivor, then they’re assured as someone with a good outcome. If you can’t attain the standard laid out by this saying, then it could be said that your outcome is an unknown. Thus I speak to you about this saying for your own mental preparation, and so that you know what kind of standard God uses to measure you.

from “How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work” in Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

How God Establishes Man’s Outcome and the Standard by Which He Establishes Man’s Outcome

Before you have any of your own views or conclusions, you should first understand God’s attitude toward you, what God is thinking, and then decide whether or not your own thinking is correct. God has never used units of time to establish a person’s outcome, and He has never used the amount of suffering endured by someone to establish their outcome. Then what does God use as a standard for establishing man’s outcome? Using time units to establish a person’s outcome—this is what most conforms to people’s conceptions. And there are also those individuals who you often see, those who at one point devoted a lot, spent a lot, paid a lot, suffered a lot. These are ones who, in your views, can be saved by God. All that these people show, all that they live out, is precisely mankind’s conception of the standard by which God establishes the outcome of man. Regardless of what you believe, I won’t list out these examples one by one. In short, so long as it isn’t the standard of God’s own thinking, then it comes from man’s imagination, and it’s all man’s conception. What’s the consequence of blindly insisting on your own conception and imagination? Obviously, the consequence can only be God spurning you. This is because you always flaunt your qualifications before God, compete with God, and dispute with God, and you do not try to truly comprehend God’s thinking, nor do you try to comprehend God’s intentions and God’s attitude toward humanity. Proceeding like this is honoring yourself above all, not honoring God. You believe in yourself; you don’t believe in God. God doesn’t want this type of person, and God won’t save this type of person. If you can let go of this kind of viewpoint, and then rectify these incorrect viewpoints of the past; if you could proceed according to God’s demands; start practicing the way of fearing God and shunning evil from this point forward; manage to honor God as great in all things; don’t use your own personal fancies, viewpoints, or beliefs to define yourself, define God. And instead, you seek out God’s intentions in all respects, you achieve a realization and understanding of God’s attitude toward humanity, and you use God’s standard to satisfy God—that would be wonderful! This would mean you are about to embark on the way of fearing God and shunning evil.

Since God doesn’t use how people think this way or that way, their ideas and viewpoints, as a standard to establish the outcome of man, then what kind of standard does He use? God uses trials to establish the outcome of man. There are two standards for using trials to establish man’s outcome: The first is the number of trials that people undergo, and the second is the people’s result in these trials. It is these two indicators that establish man’s outcome. Now we will elaborate on these two standards.

First of all, when you are faced with a trial from God (note: It’s possible that in your eyes this trial is a small one and isn’t worth mentioning), God will make you distinctly aware that this is the hand of God upon you, and that it is God who has arranged this circumstance for you. When your stature is immature, God will arrange trials in order to test you. These trials will correspond to your stature, that which you’re able to understand, and that which you’re able to withstand. Test what part of you? Test your attitude toward God. Is this attitude very important? Of course it’s important! Moreover, it’s especially important! Because this attitude of man is the result God wants, it is the most important thing as far as God is concerned. Otherwise God wouldn’t spend His efforts on people by engaging in these kinds of work. God wants to see your attitude toward Him by way of these trials; He wants to see whether or not you are on the right path; and He wants to see whether or not you are fearing God and shunning evil. Therefore, regardless of whether you understand a lot or a little of the truth at that particular time, you will still be faced with God’s trial, and following any increase in the amount of truth you understand, God will continue to arrange corresponding trials for you. When you are once again faced with a trial, God wants to see whether your viewpoint, your ideas, and your attitude toward God have had any growth in the meantime. Some people say: “Why does God always want to see people’s attitudes? Hasn’t God seen how they put truth into practice? Why would He still want to see people’s attitudes?” This is mindless drivel! Since God proceeds like this, then God’s intentions must lie therein. God always observes people from their side, watching their every word and deed, their every act and movement, even their every thought and idea. Everything that happens to people: their good deeds, their faults, their transgressions, and even their rebellions and betrayals, God will record it all as evidence in establishing their outcome. As God’s work builds up step-by-step, you hear more and more truth, you accept more and more positive things, positive information, and the reality of the truth. Over the course of this process, God’s requirements of you will also increase. At the same time, God will arrange heavier trials for you. His goal is to examine whether your attitude toward God has matured in the meantime. Of course, during this time, the viewpoint God demands of you conforms to your understanding of the reality of the truth.

As your stature gradually builds up, the standard God demands of you will also gradually build up. When you’re immature, God will give you a very low standard; when your stature is a little bigger, God will give you a little higher of a standard. But what will God be like after you understand all of the truth? God will have you face even bigger trials. Amid these trials, what God wants to obtain, what God wants to see, is your deeper knowledge of God and your true fear. At this time, God’s demands of you will be higher and “harsher” than when your stature was more immature (note: People view it as harsh, but God actually views it as reasonable). When God is giving trials to people, what kind of reality does God want to create? God is constantly asking that people give Him their heart. Some people will say: “How does one give that? I do my duty, I abandoned my home and livelihood, I spent for God. Are these not all examples of giving my heart to God? How else could I give my heart to God? Could it be that these aren’t examples of giving my heart to God? What is God’s specific requirement?” This requirement is very simple. In fact, there are some people who have already given their heart to God in varying degrees at various stages of their trials. But the vast majority of people never give their heart to God. When God gives you a trial, God sees whether your heart is with God, with the flesh, or with Satan. When God gives you a trial, God sees whether you are standing in opposition to God or whether you are standing in a position that is compatible with Him, and He sees whether your heart is on the same side as Him. When you are immature and facing trials, your confidence is very low, and you can’t know exactly what it is you need to do in order to satisfy God’s intentions because you have a limited understanding of the truth. Despite all this, you can still genuinely and sincerely pray to God, be willing to give your heart to God, make God your sovereign, and be willing to offer unto God those things that you believe to be most precious. This is what it is to have already given your heart to God. As you listen to more and more preaching, and you understand more and more truth, your stature will also gradually mature. The standard which God demands of you at this time is not the same as that when you were immature; He demands a higher standard than that. When man’s heart is gradually given to God, it is getting closer and closer to God; when man can truly get near to God, they increasingly have a heart that fears Him. God wants this kind of heart.

When God wants to obtain someone’s heart, He will give them numerous trials. During these trials, if God does not obtain this person’s heart, nor does He see that this person has any attitude—that is to say He doesn’t see that this person goes about things or behaves in a way that fears God, and He doesn’t see an attitude and resolution that shuns evil from this person. If this is how it is, then after numerous trials, God’s patience toward this individual will be withdrawn, and He will not tolerate this person anymore. He will no longer give trials to them, and He will no longer work on them. Then what does that mean this person’s outcome is? It means that they will have no outcome. It’s possible that this person has done no evil. It’s also possible that they have done nothing to disrupt or disturb. It’s also possible they have not openly resisted God. However, this person’s heart is hidden from God. They have never had a clear attitude and viewpoint toward God, and God cannot clearly see that their heart has been given to Him, and He can’t clearly see that this person is seeking to fear God and shun evil. God no longer has patience for these people, He will no longer pay any price, He will no longer extend mercy, and He will no longer work on them. The life of this person’s belief in God is already over. This is because in all of the many trials that God has given this person, God has not obtained the result He wants.

from “How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work” in Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Man’s Fellowship:

God determines man’s outcome according to whether man has truth! If you have no truth, it is no use no matter how much suffering you have endured! It is in vain. This proves that you’re on a wrong path of believing in God. This is God’s righteous disposition! God does not care how many years you have been following, or how much bitterness you have endured, He cares even less how much you have abandoned; what is the result that God wants? It is whether you have knowledge of God, whether you fear God and shun evil; this result is what is wanted. If you cannot have this result, this answer, that proves that the path you are walking on is wrong, you are not a person who pursues the truth, what you are walking on is not the path of pursuing the truth. Now there are still many people always boasting of their suffering, they put on the airs of an old veteran. They think, “As a long-time believer, I’ve forsaken many things.” They think, “I’ve believed in God for so many years, endured so many years of suffering, even been imprisoned, endured torture, endured the serious persecution of the great red dragon; this is capital for my attaining salvation, capital for entering the kingdom of heaven.” These words are untenable. According to what do I say they are untenable? Because God’s aim, the effect of God’s work is to make people know God, fear God and shun evil. If this is not the very effect that is achieved on you, then you must be eliminated. God determines man’s outcome according to whether man has truth, what is meant by “whether man has truth”? It is whether you attain the results of fearing God and shunning evil in your experience of God’s work.

from “Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word ‘Knowing God Is the Path to Fearing God and Shunning Evil’ in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (X)”