Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Commandments of the New Age | The Word Appears in the Flesh | The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Almighty God
The Commandments of the New Age

The Commandments of the New Age

You have been told to equip yourselves with the words of God, that regardless of what is arranged for you, all is orchestrated by God’s own hand, and that there is no need for your earnest prayer or supplication—they are useless. Yet in terms of the present situation, the practical problems facing you are unimaginable to you. If you merely await the arrangements of God, your progress will be too slow, and for those who don’t know how to experience there will be much passivity. Thus, if you are unable to completely see through to these things, then you are muddled and silly in your experiencing.

Praise God’s True Love for Man | Korean Choir “The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 14” | Eastern Lightning

Praise God’s True Love for Man | Korean Choir “The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 14”


“The disposition of God is one that belongs to the Ruler of the living beings among all things, to the Lord of all creation. His disposition represents honor, power, nobility, greatness, and most of all, supremacy” (The Word Appears in the Flesh). “God’s essence truly exists…. God’s genuineness and loveliness can truly be brought out through doing something people think is unremarkable and insignificant, something so small that people don’t even think He would ever do” (A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Friday, January 5, 2018

Gospel Movie clip "Break the Shackles and Run" (4) - Break Free From the Bondage of the Religious Pharisees and Return to God

Gospel Movie clip "Break the Shackles and Run" (4) - Break Free From the Bondage of the Religious Pharisees and Return to God


Throughout the religious community, pastors know the Bible forwards and backwards and they often explain passages from the Bible to people. From our eyes, it appears that they all know God, but why are there so many in the religious world who cast blame upon and oppose the work of God incarnate of the last days? Almighty God says, "Those who read the Bible in grand churches recite the Bible every day, yet not one understands the purpose of God's work. Not one is able to know God; moreover, not one is in accord with the heart of God. They are all worthless, vile men, each standing on high to teach God. Though they brandish the name of God, they willfully oppose Him" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Work and Entry (4) | The Word Appears in the Flesh | The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Almighty God
Work and Entry

Work and Entry (4)

If man can truly enter in accordance with the Holy Spirit’s work, his life would quickly sprout like a bamboo shoot after a spring rain. Judging from most people’s current statures, no one is attaching any importance to life. Instead, people are placing importance on some inconsequential surface matters. Or they are rushing hither and yon and working aimlessly and randomly without focus, not knowing in which direction to go and much less for whom. They are merely “concealing themselves humbly.” The truth is, few among you know God’s intentions for the last days.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Hymn of God's Word “Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne”

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Almighty God

The Hymn of God's Word
Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne

The King has gained the victory, seated on the glorious throne, has redeemed His people and is leading them to appear in His glory. Firmly everything is in His hand; through His holy wisdom and power, He's built and fortified Zion, built and fortified Zion. By the majesty of His, He judged this evil world, judged all nations and peoples, the earth, sea, and all living things, and also those who are drunk with the wine of licentiousness. God will surely judge them, surely God will judge them.

The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God | The Word Appears in the Flesh | The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Word of God
The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God

The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God

The work of the Holy Spirit changes from day to day, rising higher with each step; the revelation of tomorrow becomes even higher than today’s, step by step climbing ever higher. Such is the work by which God perfects man. If man cannot keep pace, then he may be forsaken at any time. If man does not have an obedient heart, then he cannot follow to the end. The old age has passed; now is a new age. And in a new age, new work must be done. Particularly in the final age where man will be perfected, God will perform new work ever more quickly.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Musical Show "Gospel Choir Episode 13" (4): Revival in the Light | The Church of Almighty God

Musical Show "Gospel Choir Episode 13" (4): Revival in the Light | The Church of Almighty God


Almighty God says, "Oh, that all the humanity I created has at last come back to life again in the light, found the foundation for existence, and ceased to struggle in the mud!" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).