Saturday, January 27, 2018

Fallacy (24): Someone said, “The Bible is absolutely not tainted by man’s will and is entirely the word of God. All the words in the Bible are multi-faceted and foreshadowing. The Bible is absolutely authoritative. There is no other book that can compare. Everyone must admit that the Bible is inerrant. Anyone who says the Bible is tainted by man’s will or contains errors is attacking and denying the Bible, and all such people shall be cursed.”

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church
Picture of the Church of Almighty God

Fallacy (24): Someone said, “The Bible is absolutely not tainted by man’s will and is entirely the word of God. All the words in the Bible are multi-faceted and foreshadowing. The Bible is absolutely authoritative. There is no other book that can compare. Everyone must admit that the Bible is inerrant. Anyone who says the Bible is tainted by man’s will or contains errors is attacking and denying the Bible, and all such people shall be cursed.”

Fallacy (14): Someone said, “You preach that the Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh, and that He is called Almighty God and in China among you. Have you seen Him? If you haven’t, what basis do you have to say God has returned?”

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church
Picture of the Church of Almighty God

Fallacy (14): Someone said, “You preach that the Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh, and that He is called Almighty God and in China among you. Have you seen Him? If you haven’t, what basis do you have to say God has returned?”

Friday, January 26, 2018

Almighty God’s Word Made Me Become Subject Before God

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church
Almighty God’s Word Made Me Become Subject Before God

Almighty God’s Word Made Me Become Subject Before God

Zhang Mingqi

Nanyang City, Henan Province

I was formerly a mid-level leader of the Stream of Recovery. Since I was called in the Lord in 1985, I had been in the stream of the Lord’s recovery. I always believed that the Bible was a book of life, in which every word was breathed by God, and that God’s good and kind intention for mankind over six thousand years had been fully revealed to us in it. So, I regarded the Bible as my lifeblood and very much adored Brother Lee who had brought us the “higher vision.” I always believed that God had already unlocked all the mysteries in the sixty-six books of the Bible through Brother Lee and that all the mysteries and the essence of the Bible had already been revealed to us. When the antichrists would make the covenant, when the temple would be rebuilt, when the Lord would return, and where and when the Lord would take us up, all these had been told to us. So we only needed to attend meetings, be obedient, and wait to be taken up to reign and rule when the revelations were fulfilled. Therefore, I paid much attention to reading Brother Lee’s messages. I also shepherded the brothers and sisters in the area where I ministered according to the methods of Brother Lee. Honestly speaking, at that time, I only wished that I could be full of the words from the messages of Brother Lee either when I preached or when I fellowshipped, for Brother Lee once said that he was the Lord’s recorder and that we should all become his recorders. It could be said that the brothers and sisters under me and I worshipped Brother Lee’s messages as we worshipped God. We read his messages at usual times, shared his messages at the meetings, and followed the prescribed routine in his messages waiting for God’s return. I condemned anything different from the “vision revealed” by Brother Lee as a “heresy” and would not accept it at all.

Almighty God Gave Me a Second Life

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church
Almighty God Gave Me a Second Life

Almighty God Gave Me a Second Life

—The Story of a Person Who Fiercely Resisted Almighty God’s Work of the Last Days

Zheng Yongshen

Funan County, Anhui Province
I was a co-worker of the Stream of Recovery. On December 8, 1998, a brother of our church came to me to preach the work of Almighty God of the last days. He gave me a book of Almighty God’s word and asked me to read it. I was very angry and rebuked him, “We only believe in the Lord Jesus; why did you convert to the faith of another god?” Running my eyes over more than one page of the book, I laid it aside, because I thought the words were plain and simple, and too shallow. The brother said to me earnestly, “Better finish reading it, and you will know it is truly the word personally spoken by God.” “I don’t think so. Now that you insist it is God’s own word, you get a pen and a notebook, put them on the table, and ask God to speak!”I said rudely. And then I murmured to myself angrily, “You believers in Almighty God have stolen many of our lambs, and now you also want to draw me in. No way!” Then I went to the church, and called some other co-workers together and discussed how to guard against the “Eastern Lightning,” trying to work out ways to fight back against it. After that, we went to every meeting place spreading these slanderous and blasphemous words: “You mustn’t believe in the ‘Eastern Lightning.’ It is a false Christ, a false prophet, who tries to deceive people in the disguise of the Lord. What we believe in is the truth. Don’t listen to their messages. Those people are the disturbers of the church. It is a test of whether we have foundation. If your foundation is built on sand, you will be taken away by them; if you have foundation, you will be able to stand no matter how they disturb.” And I also started rumors among the believers, “The sect of Almighty God is a mafia, and they have guns. Once you join them, you can’t withdraw. If you want to, they will gouge out your eyes, cut off your nose or ears, or break your legs. And they are promiscuous.” In order to preserve my position and fame and prevent the brothers and sisters from receiving the truth, I fabricated horrible lies to seal off the church and used the biblical verses out of context to condemn God’s work of the last days. As a result, many who had no discernment and didn’t know the truth were too frightened to accept Almighty God’s work of the last days. These are the evils I have done.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Heresy and Cults Cannot Be Determined by People

the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church
Heresy and Cults Cannot Be Determined by People

Heresy and Cults Cannot Be Determined by People

                                               Li Kun Anyang City, Henan Province

God’s last days’ work has already conquered a group of people in Mainland China. Many believers in the religious community who long for God to appear have been conquered by God’s words because they have heard God’s voice and have returned before God’s throne. At the same time, many priests and elders in the religious community are desperate to resist and condemn God’s last days’ work. They always refer to it as heresy or a cult and wantonly condemn and blaspheme it. Their ignorance and arrogance drive them, like the Pharisees of those days, to take the road to perdition of resisting God and viewing God as an enemy, at the critical moment when new work replaces old.

Praise Song | Hymn “Almighty God, the King of Glory”

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Hymn


Almighty God, the King of Glory

Almighty God is the God who created heaven and earth, the one true God who governs all things. He sits upon the great throne and judges all peoples and rules all nations with His iron rod. God incarnate rules as King. When He appears in the East, in majesty and wrath, His kingdom has come! Almighty God is the Lamb, man's only Redeemer. The only way man is saved is through Him. Almighty God is the truth, the way, the life. He is the King of glory, forever. Amen! Almighty God is the Lamb. Almighty God is the Lamb. Almighty God is the Lamb. Almighty God is the Lamb.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Work and Word of Almighty God in the Last Days Is not an Addition to the Bible

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church
Picture of the Church of Almighty God

The Work and Word of Almighty God in the Last Days Is not  an Addition to the Bible

Some people say: The work of Almighty God in the last days goes against the prophesy in the Revelation 22:18-19: “For I testify to every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” They say that this is adding to the book of prophecy in the Bible, and that whoever accepts and follows the work of Almighty God in the last days shall lose their part in the kingdom of heaven. But actually, this word is contrary to the real facts, and it overlooks the context of the Revelation and relies on man’s imagination and notions.