Thursday, November 15, 2018

IV. Questions and Answers on How to Discern the Voice of God

IV. Questions and Answers on How to Discern the Voice of God

Question 4: The Lord Jesus spoke the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven to the disciples, and as the return of the Lord Jesus, has Almighty God also revealed many mysteries? Could you fellowship with us about some of the mysteries revealed by Almighty God? It would be a great help to us in identifying the voice of God.

Answer: Each time God becomes flesh, He reveals many truths and mysteries to us. This is without doubt. God becomes flesh in order to save mankind, and so, He naturally expresses many truths, and reveals many mysteries. In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus, God incarnate revealed many mysteries whilst preaching and doing His work, such as, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 4:17). “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat 7:21). The Lord Jesus also revealed many other mysteries in addition to this, which I won’t go into now. In the last days, Almighty God has come, and carried out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and has expressed all truths for the purification and salvation of mankind. Almighty God has not only accomplished all of the prophecies of the Lord Jesus, but has also laid bare to us the great mysteries of the past, the present, and the future, which relate to God's management plan. Let us read two passages of the words of Almighty God. “The work I have been managing for thousands of years is only completely revealed to man in the last days. It is only now that I have opened up the full mystery of My management to man. Man knows the purpose of My work and moreover has obtained an understanding of all My mysteries. And I have told man everything about the destination he is concerned about. I have already uncovered for man all My mysteries that were hidden for over 5,900 years” (“The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “This stage of work will elucidate for you the law of Jehovah and the redemption of Jesus, and is principally so that you may understand the entire work of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, and appreciate all the significance and substance of this six-thousand-year management plan, and understand the purpose of all the work done by Jesus and the words He spoke, and even your blind credence in and adoration of the Bible. All this it will allow you to perceive. You will come to understand both the work done by Jesus, and the work of God today; you will understand and behold all of the truth, the life, and the way. … In the end, this current stage will bring God’s work to a complete end, and will provide its conclusion. All will come to understand and know of God’s management plan. The conceptions within man, his intentions, his erroneous understanding, his conceptions toward the work of Jehovah and Jesus, his views about the Gentiles, and all his deviation and errors will be corrected. And man will understand all the right paths of life, and all the work done by God, and the entire truth. When that happens, this stage of work will come to an end” (“The Vision of God’s Work (2)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

【Revealing the Mystery of God's Work】 God's Work in the Age of Kingdom: Why Does God Take the Name of Almighty God in the Age of Kingdom?

【Revealing the Mystery of God's Work】 God's Work in the Age of Kingdom: Why Does God Take the Name of Almighty God in the Age of Kingdom? 

God says, “A lot of people don't understand why, since Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus in the last days, the Lord Jesus is called Almighty God when He comes to do the work of judgment in the last days. Why doesn't He carry on being called the Lord Jesus? In fact, God has a new name each time He does a stage of His work. This new name is taken by God Himself as befits the work—it is not something that people call Him as they please. The name God takes in each stage of work has its basis in the Bible. The name of the returned Lord Jesus of the last days was long ago prophesied in the Bible.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Word of God "Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God" (Part One)

The Word of God "Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God" (Part One)

Almighty God says, "The three stages of work are at the heart of God’s entire management, and in them are expressed the disposition of God and what He is. Those who do not know of the three stages of God’s work are incapable of realizing how God expresses His disposition, nor do they know the wisdom of God’s work, and they remain ignorant of the many ways in which He saves mankind, and His will for the whole of mankind. The three stages of work are the full expression of the work of saving mankind. Those who do not know the three stages of work will be ignorant of the various methods and principles of the Holy Spirit’s work; those who only rigidly stick to doctrine that remains from one stage of work are people who limit God to doctrine, and whose belief in God is vague and uncertain. Such people will never receive God’s salvation."

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Lord Has Opened the Scroll | "The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God"

The Lord Has Opened the Scroll | "The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God"

Almighty God says, "All of this was proof that He was a normal man, which proved that God’s incarnate flesh was a flesh with normal humanity, not a supernatural one. His job was to complete the work of God’s first incarnation, to fulfill the ministry of the first incarnation. The significance of incarnation is that an ordinary, normal man performs the work of God Himself; that is, that God performs His divine work in humanity and thereby vanquishes Satan. Incarnation means that God’s Spirit becomes a flesh, that is, God becomes flesh; the work that He does in the flesh is the work of the Spirit, which is realized in the flesh, expressed by the flesh. No one except God’s flesh can fulfill the ministry of the incarnate God; that is, only God’s incarnate flesh, this normal humanity—and no one else—can express the divine work."

The Word of the Spirit of God "In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God"

The Word of the Spirit of God "In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God"

Almighty God says, "Key to obeying God is appreciating the new light, and being able to accept it and put it into practice. Only this is true obedience. … Not being satisfied with living amid God’s graces, actively thirsting for the truth, and searching for the truth, and pursuing being gained by God—this is what it means to consciously obey God; this is precisely the kind of faith that God wants."

Monday, November 12, 2018

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (III) God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt, Stage Version)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (III) God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt, Stage Version)

Almighty God says, "God’s authority is everywhere, at every hour, at every instant. If heaven and earth were to pass away, His authority would never pass away, for He is God Himself, He possesses the unique authority, and His authority is not restricted or limited by people, events, or things, by space or by geography. At all times God wields His authority, shows His might, continues His management work as always; at all times He rules all things, provides for all things, orchestrates all things, just as He always did. No one can change this. It is fact; it has been the unchanging truth since time immemorial!"

The Mystery of the “Resurrection of a Dead Man”

The Mystery of the “Resurrection of a Dead Man”

Almighty God’s words have explained to us what “dead person” and “living person” mean. In the beginning, God created mankind’s ancestors, Adam and Eve. They were living human beings with spirits. They were people who were conscientious and intelligent and they were able to manifest God and honor God. Afterward, they were tempted by Satan into eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a result, they were filled with the poison of Satan. They were no longer devoted to God nor did they obey God. They had lost the image of the man whom God had created in the beginning. Even though their bodies were still alive, in God’s eyes, they had already become dead people with no spirits. Presently, we are being corrupted more and more deeply by Satan. We are full of satanic corrupt dispositions such as arrogance, selfishness, treachery, maliciousness and greed. It has gotten to the point where when we encounter something that is not in accordance with our notions, we complain to God, judge God, resist God and betray God. In God’s eyes, we are dead people with no spirits. From this, we can see that “dead person” refers to those who are living under Satan’s influence, those who have corrupt natures that resist God and those who are enemies of God. Alternatively, “living person” refers to those who have cast off satanic corrupt disposition, those who have restored their conscience and sense, those who understand God, those who obey God and those who love God. These people have a place for God within their hearts. In all matters they are able to seek the truth, grasp God’s intentions, put the truth of God’s words into practice and not rely any longer on Satan’s life rules. They are people who have triumphed over Satan’s influence and have returned to God. These are living people with spirits and they have truly been resurrected from the dead.